George Orwell’s New Speak and Other Nonsense
Opinion, Politics March 11, 2021
Written and submitted by George McClellan
The more things change the more they stay the same, not necessarily so, but old words and phrases once used by radical elements in pre-Soviet Russia to define and vilify who they were against, have simply become new words and phrases in pre-Maoist Americas meaning exactly the same thing with the same end in view, collectivization and complete state control. The only difference being, they are talking to new audiences, our past two generations of lost young Americans. We saw it coming, we were warned and we still let it happen: Antifa’s & BLM!
In Russia’s revolution of 1917, the term “Class Struggle,” was coined to represent the fight by the Marxist Proletariat (workers and soldiers), against the Bourgeois (royals, land owners, farmers & industrialists). That term today has been remolded to “Cancel Culture,” a “Woke” attack against Americas middle class; instead of peasants & soldiers, versus producers, we’ve been relegated by our betters through hate and envy, into separate class structures as victims, the easier for Marxists to either glorify and raise or vilify, demean and ultimately destroy, according to the “New Speak” theme of the Day! It changes daily!
Case in point, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, a tough talking, in your face, git’er done blowhard Italian politician, once the darling of the Democrat Party destined for Presidential greatness, his legacy alas, now in tatters because the “Woke” crowd has deemed him a liability and no longer an asset. Cuomo strayed from the strict Marxist path, exposed himself to compromising ridicule and now faces the fate of George Orwell’s poor hapless citizen, Winston Smith. Cuomo will probably not get a bullet in the back of his head, but will suffer a life forever in obscurity, unsung, unloved and destined to become a pitiful example of failing to adhere to strict Marxist dogma. Any Democrat who strays is expendable to Party discipline, except idiots and sexual predators who become President. They will be protected! Cuomo will go down fighting, but he will go down. The Democrat Motto: “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame somebody else” didn’t work! Cuomo tried but failed and to Big Brother, failure is not an option. Womanizing is okay just so long as you don’t get caught at it. Let the Party provide your sexual entertainment, Don’t seek it yourself, it’s not prudent, and as often fatal!
In the time of Rome’s greatest peril, encircled as they were by Barbarians, Visigoths and Huns, the feckless Roman emperor’s produced Circus’s and bloody entertainments to pacify its citizens so they wouldn’t notice their treasury being squandered by frivolity, unproductive enterprises and worst, leaving unpaid soldiers to fume. We see this right now with Pelosi’s $1.9 Trillion spending bill (forget Biden, he’s nothing). This is all Pelosi and Schumer doing the bidding of the corporate New World Order crowd. Not to forget, China is sitting on the horizon patiently bidding its time, ready to become the masters of the New World Order.
Speaking of circus’s, how did Megan and Harry suck the air out of such really pressing news items as he border crisis with Biden’s invited disease laden, unskilled peasant wannabe laborers crashing our borders to infect our American culture while receiving free stimulus money, housing and healthcare to boot? The Party of Pelosi and Schumer fed billions of our treasury dollars into failed Blue States and Blue City coffers to restore their bankrupt union pension funds while other unAmerican distractions, like legitimizing sexual perversions, damaging real women’s rights, and worst, leaving unaddressed the threats our protectors of society, policemen, firemen and soldiers must endure all while still trying to pacify us citizens with circus type entertainments so we don’t see the coming disaster! Megan & Harry be damned! Americans have got to get their heads out of their arse’s and Democrats out of Govt.!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (10Mar21)
Sadder Words Couldn’t Be Written
Opinion March 11, 2021
Submitted By George McClellan
He’s a marked man for the rest of his life!!!
So where does he go now? Where can he live? What is the impact on his family. As one top general said yesterday, he’s a great leader without a country.
The changes that are coming will have time to affect senior citizens and will impact their children and grandchildren.
The coronavirus impact on our country is mild compared to what lies ahead.
Now you understand why there was never any action against the Clinton’s or Obama.
How they destroyed emails and evidence and phones and servers,
how they spied and wiretapped,
how they lied to the FISA Court,
had conversations on the tarmac, sent emails to cover their asses after key meetings,
how Comey and Brennan and Clapper were never brought to any justice,
how the FBI and CIA lied, how the Steele Dossier was passed along,
how phones got factory reset,
how leak after leak to an accomplice media went unchecked, – why George Soros is always in the shadows,
why they screamed Russia and pushed a sham impeachment,
why no one ever goes to jail,
why no one is ever charged,
why nothing ever happens.
Why there was no wrongdoing in the FISA warrants,
why the Durham report was delayed.
Why Hunter will walk Scott free. (Diaper wearing Joe will give his whole family pardons)
Why the FBI sat on the laptop.
Why the Biden’s connection to China was overlooked and then they unleashed the perfect weapon, a virus that could be weaponized politically to bring down the greatest ever economy and usher in unverifiable mail in voting.
Why the media is 24/7 propaganda and lies,
why up is down and down is up, right is wrong and wrong is right.
Why social media silences the First Amendment and speaks over the President of the United States.
This has been the plan by the Deep State all along. They didn’t expect Trump to win in 2016. He messed up their plans. Delayed it a little. They weren’t about to let it happen again. COVID-19 was weaponized, Governors helped shut down their states, the media helped shame and kill the economy, and the super lucky unverifiable mail in ballots were just the trick to make sure the career politician allegedly with hands in Chinese payrolls that couldn’t finish a sentence or collect a crowd, miraculously became the most popular vote recipient of all time.
You have just witnessed a coup, the overthrow of the US free election system, the end of our constitutional republic, and the decline of capitalism into the slide toward socialism. What will happen next?
Expect the borders to open up. Increased immigration. Expect agencies like CBP and INS and Homeland Security to be muzzled or even deleted.Law enforcement will see continued defunding. The electoral college will be gone. History erased. Two Supreme Court Justices might be removed. The Supreme Court will be packed. Your 2nd Amendment will be attacked. If you have a manufacturing job or oil industry job, get ready. If you run a business, brace for impact. Maybe you’ll be on the hook for slavery reparations, or have your suburbs turned into Section 8 housing. Your taxes are going to go up, and businesses will pay more. I could go on and on.
There is no real recovery from this. The elections from here on will be decided by New York, Illinois, and California.
The Republic will be dead. Mob rule and appeasement will run rampant. The candidate who offers the most from the Treasury will get the most votes. But the votes voted won’t matter, just the ones received and counted. That precedent has been set. “Benjamin Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, ‘Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?'” Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
Ladies and gentlemen, you will now lose your Republic. You turned from God. You turned from family. You turned from country. You embraced degeneracy culture. You celebrated and looked to fools. You worshipped yourselves selfishly as you took for granted what men died to give you. You disregarded history and all it teaches. On your watch, America just died a little. It’s likely she’ll never be the same again. Some of you have no idea what you’ve done. Sadly, some of you do.
And who has the guts to share this with friends and family that voted for Biden?
“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority”~ Booker T. Washington
Short Takes – Its Time to Get In Front of the Enemy!
Opinion, Politics February 22, 2021
Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
By all appearances it seems the Marxists Democrats are near achieving their goal of destroying American capitalism to replace success with the endearing misery of top down government collectivism. They have been working toward this goal for over three decades and are gaining momentum because we ignored what they taught in our schools and they didn’t. Now our streets are awash with a generation of youths who hates America and actively work for its destruction firm in the belief that Socialism is superior to Capitalism and should be the true and lasting government for all America. Little do they know the woe that is coming if they succeed!
As pro American citizens we can no longer react after the fact to the loss of our constitutional freedoms, but work to get ahead of the Left’s continuing assault on the standards that made America great. It appears to be an overwhelming task but it needs to be faced. Everybody needs to get involved. Currently we cannot rely on the Republican Party. We must look elsewhere but, a third party is not the answer. Conservatives must retake the Republican party.
One wonders why there is still a fence around Wash. DC and 6000 National Guard soldiers standing around looking menacing? Democrats want to demonstrate by the image of fear, that there is a vast right-wing conspiracy of domestic terrorists, white right-wing weirdo’s like Oath Keepers and numerous others, composed mainly of retired or ex-soldiers and policemen who took their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and still believe that oath counts for something! As individual citizens we must ignore those false accusations and continue to resist this unconstitutional effort by the Left to impose their total dominance over our great America. We cannot give in to these political criminals!
President Trump showed us how to get it done and they couldn’t handle him so his destruction, by hook or crook, was employed. Anybody who doesn’t believe election fraud actually occur in those five important electoral states, is an ignorant fellow traveler and denier. In Georgia, that includes twenty-six Republicans State Senators who refused to sign the petition to investigate the obvious fraud that occurred in the recent US Senatorial election here. They are: Butch Miller (R-Gainesville), John Albers (R-Roswell), Lee Anderson (R-Grovetown), Ellis Black (R-Valdosta), Dean Burk (R-Bainbridge), Bill Cowsert (R-Athens), Mike Dugan (R-Carrollton), Bill Heath (R-Bremen), Billy Hickman (R-Statesboro), Chuck Hufstetler (R-Rome), John Kennedy (R-Macon), Kay Kirkpatrick (R-Marietta), P.K. Martin IV (R-Lawrenceville), Jeff Mullis (R-Chickamauga), Chuck Payne (R-Dalton), Randy Robertson (R-Cataula), Jesse Stone (R-Waynesboro), Brian Strickland (R-McDonough), Carden Summers (R-Cordele), Blake Tillery (R-Vidalia), Larry Walker III (R-Perry), Ben Watson (R-Savannah), John Wilkinson (R-Toccoa), Frank Ginn (R-Danielsville), Lindsey Tippens (R-Marietta), and Renee Unterman (R-Buford).
These Senators, not concerned if your vote was counted or not or the machines were rigged, gives the appearance that they have an allegiance to the New World Order (China’s) as did Gov Kemp, Lt. Gov. Duncan &. SoS Raffensperger! These politicians can only remain in power if Georgia voters allow it. They must all be removed from office. Conservatism can’t wait until the next election cycle. We forget too easily and they will continue to control the levers of election law. We were snookered by the promise of machine voting. Georgia politicians have been controlling our vote even before Gov Kemp spent $170 billion buying them. That just made it easier. Often they are used to remove uncooperative Senators or Representatives by simply running their own candidate who can be controlled. Its time we acknowledge the fact that in Georgia our elections are questionable and our politicians don’t want a system that is.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (21Feb21)
The Miracles of President’s Day – Six More Weeks of Political – What?
Opinion, Politics February 17, 2021
Written And Submitted By George McClellan
This once great land, now emotionally draped in black crepe as it turns socialist, was cold, morose and heartbroken until the queen of mean who lurks in the House side of the US Congress failed once again in her cooked up scheme to destroy former President Donald John Trump, and happiness swept over the land!
Then, the President (no, no, not the imposter) but Donald Trump came out of his dwelling at Mar-a-Largo to the tumultuous cheers of hundreds of true supporters, believers in Making America Great Again, assembled along the roads ways of Palm Beach, Fl in their hundreds to cheer and dance. All marveled as the sun came out and bright warmth spread its continence on all assembled and for a time, hope and happiness prevailed.
Outside of the Mar-a-Largo scene, President’s Day was essentially cancelled due to a lack of interest. Not even in the DC Swamp could National Guard soldiers surrounding the White House, be assembled in close order ranks to raise their caps with three cheers of “hip, hip hurray,” But, the story’s not over.
In Utah, Mitt Romney’s GOP support is fractured. The media try’s to tell us his base is solid yet, while the States official GOP establishment made no move or even offered a pretense of rebuke against Romney’s vote to impeach President cum private citizen Trump, a base driven effort is indeed underway to do just that. The organizers have not been identified yet, they will, but this action show others that perhaps, just maybe, America is waking up. Utah’s State GOP president, a fellow named Brown, came out with the usual deep state excuse for not taking action for a first rate act of treason by saying: elections are where change takes place. Maybe, once, but Conservatism can’t wait four more years to change the sheets. It has to be done now!
Romney, a petty, ignorant, self-serving creature, has shown us he is still emotionally affected by Trumps refusal to gift him with a cabinet position in the administration. He is motivated by personal rancor, jealousy and, dare I say it, unChristian hatred toward President Trump. And,
Sen Richard Burr (NC) faces a similar censure action. It’s now said he will retire. If he intended to or just made the decision, it makes no matter because however he gets out, he’s gone. Democrats will try to fill his seat so North Carolina conservatives had better get cracking and find a MAGA candidate. The same applies to Louisiana. Take at Look at Greg Lirette.
President’s Day brought us another awakening. While a singularly awful weather front originated in the Plaines states, accompanied by record breaking sub zero cold and snow from Texas east, the Green New Deal renewable energy machines failed completely. While our landscape is cluttered with avian blenders (wind mills), these devices froze solid and couldn’t even create enough energy to unfreeze themselves let alone provide electricity to millions of hopeless customers just trying to stay alive. Green energy on a mass scale is unaffordable because it can’t pay for itself. Government subsidies is the only reason these giant windmill eyesore are continuing to be erected across our nation, apart form the fact we’re buying them from China. They don’t accomplish their goal as this one winter storm demonstrated. We’re being conned by false science and Leftist propaganda
And finally…Isn’t it great that President’s Day excludes lying, murdering despot governors like Chris Cuomo? 15,000 dead seniors, by his direction, not to mention the uncounted number of abortions of new American citizens is the Democrat plan to depopulate America. Like Comrade Stalin said, “The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get ’em! (17Feb21)
The Never Changing Fog of Politics – Distractions
Opinion, Politics February 9, 2021
Written And Submitted By George McClellan
Obama’s administration was a dedicated exercise in anti-Americanism, wallowing in hypocrisy and racism unequaled both in its ineptitude but the lasting damage they committed upon the American People. They did it all in the name of feeling good. It was a criminal reign of rapacious failure that Trump, we had hoped, would put an end to. But alas, it has reared its ugly head again with the presidential imposter and China stooge, Joe Biden, racing to sign as many Executive Orders that his masters can push under his pen to neutralize Trump’s successful pro American programs. China Joe is a criminal and a Maoist Fellow Traveller. The ultimate goal is the New World Order and make no mistake, China will become our masters if they succeed.
Alarmed citizens, now keenly aware that Trumps election was undoubtedly stolen by fraud, stealth and connivence, can only watch impotently as our borders are being flooded again by poor disease ridden peasants from third world countries and Islamic terrorists while our prisons are releasing the worst of felons back onto our streets and our oil energy needs are being returned to other sources to be replaced by inefficient and expensive Green energy schemes are promoted over common sense and cost effectiveness. World Climate Change is a scam!
We’re being conned by the tactics of diversions by fear in the fog of politics. Look at that awful Marjorie Taylor Green; see how Conservatism has spawned the evils of domestic terrorism; demean the second amendment, but never mind the black on black gun murder rate in Chicago, Baltimore and many other Blue cities. To point it out is to be racist! To doubt the fairness of the imposter Biden’s elections outcome is to practice blasphemous witchcraft that should get you banned from using your first amendment rights; and, to even think you need to defend yourselves with firearms is a mark of mental derangement. Red Flag laws should take care of that. Government will protect you. Get used to it! All distractions!
While we sit around wondering what to do and how to do it, ie: to get America back into Trumps hands again or someone like him, the Left, ignoring the Constitution and even court orders unless it suits them, pushes their goal of a New World Order. It appears that even the courts have abandoned their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution as well. Distractions!
I’ll repeat it again, all politics are local because state legislators sit at the very heart of our constitutional system and actually possess the power to force changes in Federal law making. They just don’t know it. That means local politicians need to be educated in their actual Constitutional duties not simply agreeing to what the Left has told them how its supposed to work. We need to make ’em do it, Our locals spend more time in the fog it seems, then is safe.
Georgia’s political non-response to its own election fraud has shown the rest of us that our local representatives, aren’t our representatives, They can influence the Constitutional amendment process and actually reform our states election laws but will they? Who thought mail in ballots were fair? A Marxist did and our nincompoop Secretary of State, not knowing our States Constitution or his role in it, arbitrarily and unlawful negotiated changes to the whining’s of Stacy Abrams that in the end, lost our two senate seats to communists. He couldn’t do that but our legislatures apparently were okay with it because nothing got done at all, to correct the damage.
Another priority now, is to ask all candidates and incumbents, exactly what is the level of their financial involvement with the Chinese Communist party and demand an answer. Nobody gets off the hook on that one, not even China Joe. It will come back to get him! We’ve got work to do!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now. go do get ’em! (08Feb21)
The Path to a New World Order; A Maoist One!
Opinion, Politics February 5, 2021
Written And Submitted By George McClellan
Once government has sufficiently instilled Americans with enough fear over a stupid virus, and we stupidly comply without demanding logical and truthful answers not based on junk science, then they will have no fear of us resisting their New World Order takeover. The UN thinks it will be them but that organization has been so infiltrated by China’s trained Maoists that it will be China, not western bureaucratic Marxists theorists, who will become our masters. It’s as easy to buy scientists as it is to buy politicians, like Eric Swalwell, Diane Feinstein and China Joe!
But for now, we should focus our attention closer to home like the Georgia City of Peachtree Corners for example that has installed, without the consent of the people, a Chinese AI copy of George Orwell’s total surveillance state. It’s working successfully in China. Cameras are now up and functioning in Peachtree Corners with facial recognition software, to determine who’s not keeping the states 6 feet distance mandate, who’s not wearing a mask and who’s not complying with the states (in this case Peachtree Corner) mandate for totalitarian compliance. Facial ID technology will identify the offender’s who, if not confronted by some authority then and there, will be visited at their homes later to demand compliance or issue a citation or, indeed make an arrest. Health department bureaucrats could very easily become Americas Gestapo, armed with absolute authority to control every aspect of our lives, for our safety of course.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp issued an Executive Order, renewed nine times already, that allows health officials to enter your homes, regardless of 4th amendment protections, if it is suspected a member of your household could be infected with the Wuhan Virus, to seize or isolate that person or persons for the safety of the collective. We must resist such stupidity!
To date, we don’t hear about any push backs to Red Flag laws” already installed in some Blue jurisdictions that operates on the premiss that a complaint from some citizen, good and true (snowflakes), who finds reason to object to ones possession of a 2nd amendment protected firearm, wants police authority to seize ’em. Indeed some “Blue State” jurisdictions have gone wild trying to steal citizens guns under the meme of “Public Safety.” The totalitarian state is trying desperately to achieve a foothold of unconstitutional authority over the citizenry. We must understand what’s going on and resist their demonic efforts to enslave us. An armed citizenry is a safe citizenry and we, not they, have the legal authority to defend ourselves from all enemies foreign and domestic, and that includes Emperor Xi Jingping’s Maoist Democrat Party.
If we allow government to break the laws simply because of an emergency and get away with it, then they’ll create more emergencies to break the law. We see this unfold constantly with petit Blue State dictators ordering seizures of people and property under the guise of a phony pandemic by ordering business and churches to close while strip clubs and other favored pro Liberal business can remain open. We must resist that narrative as well.
China’s Wuhan Virus is a Trojan Horse for the One World Government crowd so they can assert their authoritarianism, create the surveillance state, mandate vaccinations, change the monetary basis of our US economy and use AI to replace common laborer jobs. Protests by a half dozen citizens in the city of LA, are now labeled by the MSM as right wing terrorists assaulting the good works of government to protect its citizens. Nonsense! It is government terrorism to mandate compliance to their totalitarian policies. I suggest you review and sites to understand what’s really happening to our government. We’re on the way to totalitarism if we don’t! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go view ’em! (04Feb21)
The Purge That’s Coming!
Opinion, Politics January 26, 2021
Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
The GOP’s Never Trumpers & Republicans for Biden cabal of corrupted politicians, don’t realize the danger coming at ’em. I wrote, following the Left’s successful coup against President Trump, there are now two Republican party’s, Trumps, if he wishes to embrace it and the other one, and the other one is in danger of being replaced. Good riddance! It’s a start!
I think the purge may have started to roll in Arizona. The Arizona Republican Party under the strong leadership of Chairwomen Kelli Ward has censured, for what its worth now, Cindy McCain, John McCains widow, Az. Gov. Doug Ducey, and former Az GOP Sen Jeff Flake (what an appropriate name) for actively supporting President Trump removal. Kelli Ward has shown her true conservative grit as a solid supporter of President Trump who, unlike the three mentioned above, has stood firmly against endorsing the Lefts baseless claims of no election fraud in her state. McCain’s response was to claim pride in what she did and offer her services to the Biden administration. In Arizona, the other GOP is losing ground among its traditional conservative base and Ward who believes in “faith, family and freedom” remains a strong rally point not only to revitalize the states GOP but to show the way forward for Trump’s 75 million other supporters around the country. She believes its important for Conservatives to become radical to keep America great! The Democrats decry radicalism if it has a conservative face, but ignore it when their Stormtroopers, the Antifa and BLM, continue to conduct outrages in Blue cities even after the Left grabbed their prize. They ignore however, that Republicans did win local and state offices in record numbers. So, what’s the problem? The other GOP still holds the purse strings,
On the federal level the GOP minority leader, Rep Kevin McCarthy expressed concerns about the vote for Liz Cheney’s for impeachment from GOP leadership. Why? Because she’s shown her nonconservative creds and needs to be replaced. His concern is probably because he’s next. Then there’s a photo of a smiling Mitch McConnell bumping elbows with the odious Nancy Pelosi demands explanation if not condemnation. Mitch might find solace in the comity of the Congress but fails miserably when confronted with anything that could compromise his wife’s Chinese business interests. Elaine Cho McConnell was Trumps Transportation Secretary and quite possibly a sleeper agent for China’s emperor Ji Jingping. Who knows? The NSA does.
We can’t ignore Sen. Lindsay Graham either. A smooth talking salesman, he did good work supporting Trump’s judges selections but his promise to investigate deep state crimes exposed in the public arena simply disappeared down the rat hole. No one in the elite establish, and that includes Graham, will never see the inside of a prison.
At last, Sen. Chuck Schumer’s ambitions have been met and, like McConnell and the other anti-Trumpers, he has abandoned for power alone, all laudatory principles worth upholding except lying, cheating and stealing. Wash DC Power is all that matters.
The prize creep of the ‘other GOP party’ is the soft spoken but extreme “Never Trumper” Mitt Romney. I no longer watch Fox News but an interview came up on my smart phone of Romney being interviewed by Fox loser Chris Wallace. As expected, Romney agreed Trump caused an insurrection and should be tried, but as he hadn’t heard the evidence in trial yet, he reserved his decision to vote for or against impeachment. One wonders if Utah voters are as organized as Arizona in recognizing the political dangers to America if these people are allowed to retain their power? Are these people nuts or what? Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (24Jan21)
The Awful Aftermath
Opinion, Politics January 8, 2021
Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
What happened yesterday in Washington DC, while inconceivable, could not have been unexpected. After seventy-seven million Trump voters saw their votes stolen, after being exposed to four years of violence without consequences, calls for defunding society’s protectors accompanied by murders and arsons, and realizing a double standard of justice really exists, how can it not be unexpected, like the unattended pot that boils over, that violence would flare up somewhere? This time it was our nations capital where denizens of the Deep State sought to ratify the greatest crime of the 21st century, the theft of a presidential election, an event that will push the American nation into the socialist camp, possibly forever.
The wide spread condemnation of the events at the Washington Rally, because it turned violent, is all the politicians and media can do. They will not address the underlying issue of a corrupted election but now will cast all Conservative protesters as “Enemies of the State!” The idea of “peaceful protests” evaporated when Federal Courts wouldn’t even consider hearing the overwhelming voter fraud evidence collected by Trumps team. Nothing was dismissed, they just refused to consider the evidence.
Also ignored is the published Anti-Fa instructions to its followers to attend the rally, wear red MAGA hats, mingle with the conservative protesters and take action where appropriate. Was the idiot who was photographed sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair, Richard “Bigo” Barnett from Arkansas, really an Antifa? Inquiring minds need to know because we saw no apparent arrests of the invaders on either the Capital steps or in the Chambers. Admittedly, Law Enforcement was overwhelmed but were the Antifa’s allowed to escape? Sad that one protester was shot but posing a threat to armed police can be a hazardous business.
Democrats and the media are now screaming for Trumps impeachment, or his immediate removal as unfit for office, under Art XXV of the Constitution. They claim him as being personally responsible for the assault on the Congress. Nonsense of course, but the deed is done and as Trumps inner circle and Congressional supporters fade away, so do his chances for a 2024 return. The Marxists smell blood and will do all in their power to see President Trump and his legacy is totally destroyed. Socialism cannot abide success of the individual.
Come January 23, watch how fast Democrats pass Nancy and Chucks Marxist agenda for America without any opposition from what remains of our cowed Republican politicians. I applaud those brave House and Senate Republicans who did stand up and challenge the electoral thefts of five states but, enough anti-Trumpers were there to ensure no electoral vote reversal would happen. I suspect incidents of violence will carry on for a while now until Nancy’s Marxists are organized enough to come after our guns then our property then our lives.
“Mitch McConnell said: “Criminal behavior will never dominate Congress,” but I think he meant violent criminal behavior. God Bless him but, well, yes it did and by ‘dominate’ he meant the fear now facing all politicians in both houses, corrupt or not. The Democrats had better restrain their dogs on a leash, the Antifa’s and BLM’s or the Civil War they wanted will actually happen.
In the meantime, Democrats will have the power of unlimited printing to fund the stupid New Green Deal programs, import and support illegal aliens and create government health schemes that will eliminate the older population on one end and continue the murder of babies on the other. America is nearly gone my friends. Is it worth fighting for?
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (07Jan21)
Short Takes – What’s Happening in Nashville? Doubts of Course!
Opinion, Politics December 31, 2020
Written And Submitted By George McClellan
There is a breathless video on the internet purporting to show a blue streak coming from the sky milliseconds, ie: ‘in a blink of an eye,’ before the RV exploded on the streets of Nashville, Tn. The camera that caught the explosion was apparently a fixed outdoor surveillance device overlooking a parking lot or something, a half mile away. It was around 0630 am.
I could not see a blue streak coming from the sky. What I believe the camera recorded was the flashing blue lights of police vehicles already there reflecting off the smoke of the explosion. That explanation satisfies my own experience as a crime scene investigator. For the record, I graduated from the National Fire Academy arson investigators school.
But, the plot thickens. It was suggested that those Wiley Chinese have an orbiting platform equipped with a satellite killing plasma pulse weapon that fired at the van outside the AT&T building to fry the NSA’s supercomputer and the Dominion machines stored there supposedly for fraud examination. If that were really the case we would already be at war with China. If that’s the case, it’s no wonder Democrats wanted evidence there destroyed!
Some pundits claim the lack of a crater in the street beneath where the RV sat at the moment of detonation indicated its destruction was by some other esoteric source, meaning a space death ray or plasma weapon. Investigators working the crime scene will certainly be aware if the area is also covered by a fine dusting of carbon, a supposed characteristic of a such weapons.
Mark Esper, former Secretary of Defense, warned us in September that China had indeed deployed Directed Energy Weapons in space supposedly to “kill satellites.” That’s probably true but, we know about it. We have such devices up there ourselves. I have not seen a target destroyed by a directed energy pulse weapon except in Star Wars, but the condition of that destroyed RV was totally consistent with an internal detonation of common explosives.
Because the worlds super powers already have entered space our imaginations can easily accept the advanced science were are now experiencing, except the China Virus and Global Warming nonsense. Remember the Sci-Fi episodes of Flash Gordon on b&w TV back in the 50s? The villain then was the evil, Fu Man Chu looking, Emperor Ming, not unlike Emperor Ji Jingping today. That era here, so it’s not impossible to believe claims that Chinas evil Emperor Ji in collusion with China Joe, is shooting RV’s on the streets of Nashville, Tn, from space, is it?
It seems the real perpetrator had a girlfriend who told the Nashville police a year ago, that her boyfriend was making bombs in that RV. The Nashville police did their job, took her information nearly as far as they could legally, then referred it to the FBI where it apparently disappeared into the black hole of inconvenient information. They claim they have no knowledge of it. We’re witnessing some great local police work here but, if the investigation interferes with the Democrats narrative that China Joe Biden, the imposter president-elect, won the election fair and square, then don’t expect to learn the opposite truth. Maybe thats why the FBI is there, to protect the Deep State like they did Hillary, FISA and the Trump coup attempt.
It is sad to say that the integrity of any investigative product of the FBI, is forever tainted with the veneer of doubt and skepticism, like our national elections have become. I’m waiting for FBI investigators to reveal Anthony Quinn Warner’s affiliation with the Bernie Sander’s campaign. That should be interesting reading. But, don’t count on it!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ’em! (30Dec20)
Short Takes – How Do We Welcome the Chinese?
Opinion, Politics December 29, 2020
Written and Submitted By: George McClellan
The Democrats can’t do much right except lie, cheat and steal; speaking of which, this 2020 election found them so desperate to regain power that not only did they outright steal the election by fraud, voter count manipulation and Chinese Dominion machines but they raised Biden’s count so erroneously high in suspect precincts that it even defied the imagination of some Democrats to believe.
That certain Federal courts, including the US Supreme Court, have refused to even view evidence of voter fraud of which there is enough overwhelming accounts of fraud and manipulation, to trigger charges of treason, may suggest that even the courts have been threatened by the unseen, but not unknown hand of Democrat violence.
It is becoming clear that the “Consent of the People” is only a term to be ignored by our betters. Our elected representatives and senators, Democrat and Republican alike, consider our vote as “consent” that they are allowed to loot the US Treasury at will and any number of other foolish things.
Representative Eric Swallwell, (D-Ca), on the House Intelligence Committee, barely made the headlines after he was caught shagging a female Chinese spy the FBI already knew of and he denies all. He didn’t blame Trump though, and all this after Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Ca) on the Senate Intelligence Committee was determined to have had in her employe a Chinese spy as her driver and assistant for twenty years.
Then comes Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) who advised all GOP Senators that they must accede to the will of the stolen election and accept the “consent of the people” for Joe Biden as the next President. BS! It is now revealed McConnell’s Father in Law is a Chines shipping magnet for the CCP and his wife’s sister is on the board of a Chinese Bank. Could it be possible that perhaps, just maybe, Mitch himself has become by default, a Chinese Agent of Influence?
And then shock of all shocks, my own Governor, Brian Kemp, met with the Chines Counsel from Houston Texas, before signing a $170 million dollar contract for Dominion voting machines? Tell us it ain’t so Brian. It’s bad enough that the idiot Ga Secty of State Brad Raffensperger didn’t know his job and concluded mail-in ballot voting agreements with a nobody, Democrat, Stacy Abrams, contrary to Georgia law. Where are our State elected representatives in this matter? Why aren’t they loudly complaining about an idiot and a Democrat taking away their power and authority?
January 6 can’t come fast enough. Enough newly elected GOP Representatives and some Senators have agreed to contest all fraudulent election returns making China Joes’s sure election a toss up. If the constitutional measures to replace electors for Republicans actually take affect, than we can expect the anarchy of the Democrats shock troops to go into action. That will open the way for Trumps 2018 insurrection act to take affect and this whole business can be concluded on the streets of burning American Blue cities, most of which need cleansed anyway. The time is ripe. Lets do it!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (27Dec20)
The China Reality is Now at Hand
Opinion December 18, 2020
It is looking increasingly like China’s world wide Corona Virus attack and its manufactured
phony pandemic against the world, specifically the United States may have worked, temporarily.
It has frightened enough Americans into a herd mentality to stampeded many of ’em to
sheepishly conform to Blue State politicians dictaks that we economically must kill ourselves
individually and as a nation through conformity to politically generated fear. Don’t wear a mask,
can’t board an airplane and you may get a ticket or thrown off. Totalitarism is here!
America was actually attacked by the Peoples Republic of China and a Chinese agent (Joe
Biden) was imposed on us to steal our election so the CCP can pursue its design for world
hegemony. China Joe is a bought Chinese agent of influence and America may soon become a
puppet government of China after January 2021. Knowing what we know now, and what is still
being revealed daily about the election fraud perpetrated on us, Americans must prepare
themselves to either resist Biden’s Maoist masters so they cannot transform the United States
into a functionary appendage of the PRC or get in line to join the New World Order.
The changing process of American culture has been underway for decades disguised as
“;multiculturalism, diversity and inclusiveness.” This means the eradication of Americas history
by removal of statues of famous her’s, politicians & explorers, changing names of schools from
American leaders to Marxist ones, and even attempting to change the names of American
military posts named after confederate generals. It is in reality, anti-white & anti-European! The
eradication will only stop when Trumps keeps his seat and not before! Do I sound like a
conspiracy theorist? Yes, because if we don’t realize the danger, we may be one of those on the
ground. The problem is…”The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a
conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” J. Edgar Hover, 1958 It exists!
A forced American cultural transformation through our public schools, has been underway for
decades and is now moving at flank speed pushed forward with this stolen election falling apart.
It includes the political transformation that has infected and corrupted our FBI, DoJ and CIA.
Can it be stopped or reversed? If it wasn’t for President Trump, we would have been there
already, stunned, confused and lying supine on the ground with the heels of fascists like BLM
and Antifa’s resting on our necks. To what extent can our Western cultural traditions, once
based upon moral legal and governmental standards gifted to Western civilizations by the
Greeks, Roman and others, resist the transformation? The “monstrous conspiracy” Hoover
spoke of is upon us, here, now, today! What are you going to do about it?
A growing mass of confirmations of voter fraud are coming in daily and most of those
investigations are easily available outside the dying main stream media sources. Look at this
bombshell video for example.
For most Trump supporters this lies far beyond an issue of morality and conscience. If Georgia’s
Senatorial election is also stolen then America will be a stones throw away from becoming
another Venezuela or Cuba. A conservative minority Senate will have no means short of
revolution, to resist the Chinese beast and all its odious programs of population control. It is now
time for Americans to decide if they are going to fish or cut bait! We have a tough row to hoe!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (17Dec20)
Another Path to Election Corruption
Opinion, Politics December 14, 2020
Written And Submitted By George McClellan
If we are in the least bit conversant with the US Constitution, we know our government was designed by the “consent of the people” with powers delegated to elected representatives, not career politicians or appointees, to represent the peoples interest in running government.
Every US State has its own constitution basically reflecting the US Constitution, that codifies and protects our God given rights and ratified by our elected representatives as the Rule of Law. We call those “elected” people who administer our laws, apart from Governors, Senators and Representatives who make therm, “Constitutional Officers” because we, the people, elected them to their positions according to the Rule of Law.
At the States level, three of the most important elected officials, apart from the Governor and Lt. Governor, are the Attorney General’s and the Secretary’s of State. The third most important elected official in the lexicon of jurisprudence for effective government are the county Sheriffs. For any of them to go rogue is to perpetrate a travesty on the people who elected them; and the only true remedy for their removal is the election process. When that process is corrupted, then the Rule of Law has been abandoned and the only remedial recourse must fall back into the hands of “The People.” I invite your attention to the Athens, Tennessee incident of the post World War II era as an example of the rule of law being successfully restored to the people, by the people. It’s not the best remedy, but it can’t be dismissed!
Georgia is now the focus of the 2020 National Election because of two Senate seats up for grabs, both currently occupied by Republicans and challenged by odious radicals. This unfortunate happenstance occurred because the Republican vote was dissipated by challenges of other worthy conservative candidates who believed they were better capable to do the job but couldn’t muster the votes to do it. But, that’s how it should be! One big problem is the basic ignorance of the mass of voters who put these office holders in place, most always candidates supported by the party of which they are a member. We trust to the recommendations of party leaders in supporting their choice of office holders for us, but even there that process can, and often does, fail because of poorly vetted incompetent candidates or pure corruption.
In the case of Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, the 2020 election process, filled with Democrat demands for “fairness & etc” simply overwhelmed his little grey cells and he unlawfully capitulated to their demands. You see, nowhere in Georgia’s constitution is the Secretary of State or the Governor even, authorized to make election changes outside of the Rule of Law, ie: Georgia’s constitution. Either a weakness of character, corruption or a lack of knowledge allowed this travesty to happen and it might just have changed the world. Also, a failure of the legislative process, into whose hands only, such election changes and rule making are authorized, contributed to this issue that is now a National fiasco. Win or lose, we must brace ourselves for the coming onslaught of rabid marxism. We won’t like it; it’s unAmerican!
The remedy for Raffensperger’s destructive incompetence is to remove him from his position to do further damage by voter recall and hold an open election for all comers to refill that office, But, by no means can it be accepted that the Secretary of States position become an appointed one delivered to the highest bidder or political activist at the will and pleasure of the party in power. No, no, no! To do so will irrevocably deny Americans their constitutional rights and most certainly usher in and fix in place, a level of corruption at the State level such as we are now experiencing at the National level. It’s another path to election corruption! We don’t need that!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (12Dec20)
Good Advice! Never, Ever Give Up!
Politics November 18, 2020
Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
I’m very impressed that President Trump is strictly following Hillary Clinton’s advice to Joe Biden: “Never, ever concede.” That’s very good advice indeed! The last trick in their bag, at least for this election, is to declare victory, ensconce Joe Biden in a pretend Presidential Office and demand all the trappings attendant to a peaceful transition of power, something the Democrats never did for Trump. Why should President Trump concede when voting frauds are being revealed, whistleblowers are coming forward to give sworn testimony and the matter is not even closely settled?
We’re still faced with a conundrum. Biden is a pathological liar. So is the media! He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, can’t remember his cues on the teleprompter and is in short, Incapable of leading. That whole idea of Joe leading anything is a joke!
No thanks to the media for hiding the stories that should be important to voters, but it can’t be denied, Joe Biden is corrupt! We all know it, he said so himself! He’s also compromised as an Agent of Influence for the Chinese Communist Party and yet he pretends to have integrity. His long career in politics taught Joe how to enrich himself and his family without getting caught. A
serial plagiarizer unable to think on his feet or write his own thoughts at his desk and incapable of formulating a coherent sentence, Democrats demand that Americans accept him as their leader even in the face of massive voter fraud investigations. Trump should not concede at all!
History is filled with stories of flawed hero’s coming at the right time to end disasters and Trump is one of them because after the economic failures of eight years of Obama, Trumps miracle leadership accomplished more in four years than any other Party did in eight or ten or twenty years! Trumps business policies created a booming economy, moving all Americans of all races toward better jobs and prosperity. He’s trashed the socialists economic policies of our past administration, changed environmental laws to help Americans prosper and returned Americas military to a world force to be reckoned with.
As I have said before I have no grief with a Billionaire who becomes President. Where I take umbrage is when a stupid politician becomes a millionaire and no one (media) notices. Joe’s dull career specialized in graft and corruption to enrich himself and his family.
If we listened to and accepted what the media would have us believe, it’s a sure bet that if voters were told to get into boxcars to be taken to virus protection camps, most Biden voters would rush to get in line. “Oh, Save us Joe!” Then there’s the global warming nonsense. Do we imagine the rest of the world ready to save the planet from evil carbon? No, but the rest of the world has exempted China and India from carbon footprint controls! They can continue their fossil fuel burning right along with the 400 more or less, active volcanoes spewing toxins into our atmosphere but, wicked America needs to do more to reduce carbon pollution.
Americas biggest enemy is not Trump defending his Presidency from Democrat theft but it’s the Communist Democrat party who are the thieves and our enemy! If Joe doesn’t win, anarchists groups like BLM and Antifa promise massive violent demonstrations across the country. If states enact their military options to defend the Constitution and Americans from evil, the National Guard will have to crush ’em. If official State governments fail to act because they are Communist run, then Americans will turn to an age old technique called vigilantism to stem the tide. If anarchy is not stopped, that could portend the death knell on our Republic. Remember, freedom is the goal the Constitution is the way. Now, go get en! (15Nov20)
Short Takes – Two Weeks
Opinion, Politics October 19, 2020
Written and Submitted By: George McClellen
Americans have been conned by the outrageous lies of Democrats. Within two weeks America will know if it will remain the beacon of hope for all people or will we slide into the abyss of third world violence, totalitarism and slavery. True Americans are not going to allow Democrats with their mail in ballot schemes to ruin our country. Americans will not accept demented Joe Biden who would soon die, leaving Marxist Kamala Harris as President. No one wanted her!
Americas accepted values of civility were inexorably altered in Minneapolis, Mn, when Floyd George, a black two-bit thief, robber, fraudster and drug user, died at police hands while being arrested for passing a counterfeit twenty. Democrats saw an opportunity and went crazy elevating this thug to Saintly status, eulogizing his worthless life in funerals in three different cities. The “pity show” for poor Floyd George went on for days and gullible Americans, thinking they could assuage their whiteness, sent in thousands of dollars to a cadre of Marxist revolutionaries, mostly white morons, whose aim is to overthrow the United States of America and replace it with fascism.
What happens then? Fascism of course! We’ve already experienced multiple robberies and street violence to show respect and deep grief for the unlamented George. Violence swept the US and then went world wide into a planed and coordinated attack against western values. Nobody was left untouched. Black as well as white businesses were looted and burned, counter protests were quickly shut down with violence by Antifa’s, Police ordered to stand down and streets cordoned off from fire and medical aid and, the murders of eighty-nine policemen.
The most useless presidential candidate ever to take the field, Joe Biden, fell to his knees and wept. Whose got a violin? I’ll turn the weepy pages. So did the wicked old lady of the House, and her silly looking cohorts of Progressive sympathizers, wearing bits of African cloth around their necks, presumably to show solidarity with poor George Floyd. All lies!
Americans are beyond reasoning with these people. They lie! It’s in their DNA and they cannot stop themselves. They are products of the teachings of now long dead Socialists like John Dewey, Betty Friedan. William James, Alfred Kinsey, Aldous Huxley Benjamin Bloom, B.F. Skinner, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Saul Alinsky, Sigmund Freud, Margaret Sanger, Roger Baldwin and many others whose wicked philosophies are borne out on our streets today.
Joe Biden is a cannon ball on a pitching deck for Democrats. Even with a Teleprompter and aides standing at his elbow, he can’t get it right. He refuses to answer questions about his son, Hunter Biden’s wealthy involvement with both the Ukraine and China; denies having even consulted with Hunter on any of these issues and even in the face of irrefutable evidence, denies any wrong doing.
Democrats are totally corrupt! Everything to them is politics for power and they’ll sign on with the devil to get it. Speaking of which, lurking in the wings is China’s Emperor Ji jingping, aided and abetted by Hunter Biden who sold his fathers influence as VP to Americas enemies for millions.
This is the epitome of the Deep State Swamp that president Trump has promised to drain. They are fighting back with lies, lies and more lies and yet, we see no movement in the Halls of Justice to bring these creatures to book! We’re two weeks away from a reckoning. If they win, Joe and Hunter may be the richest men in America, lackeys to Emperor Ji Jingping.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get angry! (18Oct20)
Short Takes – “There is No Such Uncertainty as a Sure Thing”
Opinion October 12, 2020
written by: George McClellan
The title quote is attributed to the revered Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759-1796)! The truth of his statement has been borne out multiple time since his day, encompassing the defeat of the Axis in WWII and, no more obviously than the 2016 presidential election when all the poll pundents, the expert media prognosticators and Democrat hangers-on predicted with absolute certainty that America would be blessed with a Hillary Clinton presidency. “Oh, Joy, Rapture!” The smartest woman in the world to become Americas first woman president & etc, Give us a break!
The uncertainty then was wondering why Democrats would support the worlds smartest woman Hillary Clinton, as a candidate while under investigation by the FBI for multiple felonies, and believing the FBI, DoJ, CIA & IRS were fair and honest, believed in the Constitution and would send the miscreant to jail. Then, they let the rat out of the trap and with the certainty of fanatic devotees to Beelzebub, that she would never see the inside of a prison except possibly to visit Comey, Brennan, McCabe and Strzok, they sought to resurrect their version of the Communist Manifesto yet again in the sure and certain hope their corrupt deep state activities would fade away and they could resume their coup against America’s President. It hasn’t happened yet!
Four years later we’re faced with that exact same uncertainty, oh, not from Trump supporters, flyover country deplorable’s, prospering Americans of African descent or working Latinos, but from Democrats who have gone into melt down wondering how they could have possibly put up the weakest nincompoop in the Democrat Party as their candidate against a virtual eating machine of incompetent performers, Donald Trump who is prepared to devour their whole scheme and candidate too! What’s now certain is to win they’re going to have to cheat and they are good at it!
It’s not difficult to guess what the Democrats have in mind to steal the presidency from the most successful political leader since General George Washington, and turn America into a slobbering country of social misfits whose survival depends on what the State gives ’em! It’s already started with the mail in ballots. How does that work and still ensure honesty? I don’t know. Ask a Democrat. I do know this. While on our recent vacation trip to Wyoming, we met a vacationer from Texas who told us he had already received, unsolicited, four mail in ballots from Ohio and two from Illinois, states he has never visited let alone lived in! He thought he would fill ’em all in for Trump and send ’em back like a good voter would.
Conservatives do have a big problem. We’re still attached to the Republican party and while the Democrat party doesn’t really know what it is or wants with contending factions pushing any moderates to the far left, the Republicans still have RiNO’s and anti-Trumpers sitting on their hands hoping Trump will fail and they are not seen as helping the Marxists in that failure. Sen. Susan Collins, (R-Ma) is as flakey as they come and desperately needs to be replaced, but now Conservatives are almost forced into helping her win another term as a RiNO moderate just to keep the GOP’s senate count above 50%. And if she does win there is still no certainty that she even recognizes the dangers facing our Constitutional Republic. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski is another goofball RiNO that has to go, sooner rather than later, but right now, alas, she’s a Senate Republican vote if she knows how to use it. If clueless Joe is the best they got, and he wins, we’re all in trouble. If you want a hint on Joe’s oncoming dementia, watch this recent video for a while: Then, remember who’s behind him, the first drop-out of the Democrat primary, super marxist Kamala Harris. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em? (11Oct20)