Here We Go Again, But This Time We Have an Opening
Opinion, Politics March 31, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
The 2020 election is barely over and for Republicans the 2022 race has already begun. Senator Rick Scott, former Governor of Florida is in my opinion, an effective conservative politician. He certainly was a good Governor in his day and deserves recognition for that. But now, he’s Co-Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and lends his name as such, for raising campaign funds for Republican senatorial candidates for 2022. That’s good, but with this caveat: they had better be Trumps candidates because whether Sen Scott realizes it or not, it is Trumps Republican Party. I mention that only because the literature sent to me by the RNSC under Sen Scotts name, failed to even mention President Trump at all.
The NRSC has for a long time, acted as a junior charter member of the Deep State supporting candidates that have already been in so long their arteries have ossified, or new ones who can’t wait to join the Elites Club and get wealthy. Until I see and recognize that they no longer support the “Elite” Republican Establishment, the RNSC will not be gifted with any donations from this Conservative, It’s the same old endless game, “they promise, we pay and then they’ll do what they want.”
I hope Sen Scott has not been in the DC swamp long enough to have become so mired in its anti-American corruption that he can’t see the way the conservative winds are blowing for the party. He may indeed be a Conservative but he’s also a Republican Senator and for the NRSC to appeal for funds under his name suggests that their fund raising efforts from the base, is woefully lacking and they’re appealing to Conservatives like me, to help refill their coffers. I was congratulated on being “unanimously selected by my peers” to lead the effort to win back a Republican Senate majority in the next election. Wow, I’m so honored. Then, they presented me with their BS national agenda ballot, every question designed to be “yes” for Republicans as opposed to the Democrat Socialist agenda where every question was to be checked off with a resounding “No.” I get that, but it’s a useless exercise that’s not fooling many of us.
I agree, it’s important that the House and Senate be returned to Conservative hands, not necessarily Republican ones, in order to put a stop to the Communist highjacking of America, trashing our constitutional protections and our government by representation in the name of the New World Order. Believe me, we’ll rarely see the term New World Order but what these Democrat Party clowns haven’t grasped yet is that Joe Biden is China’s emperor Ji Jingping’s ‘the merciless’ puppet agent and the New World Order, if it gets here, will quickly become Chinese.
But, I stray from my point, the necessary revitalization of the Republican party. Presently, a significant number of Deep State Republican “Establishment Elites,” long term Senators who have exceeded their shelf life, have decided to turn in their union cards and will either retire or not seek reelection. That brave band of courageous leaders include: Roy Blunt, 71, of Missouri, Ohio’s Rob Portman, 65, Richard Shelby, 86, of Alabama, Pat Toomey, 53, of Pennsylvania and Richard Burr, also 65, of No Carolina. Regrettably, we do not see the names of Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, Utah’s Mitt Romney, or Susan Collins of Maine on that august list.
Trump Republicans had better realize that those soon to be vacant seats, plus several others to be challenged, will be seriously targeted by Democrats. But, we have an opening here so, proper vetting of real Conservative candidates by state parties is essential. Leadership of those State GOP party organizations that tend to the “establishment” should be removed at the County, District and State Conventions. Now is the time for Party brutality, not after the show is over and the Communists have won again. We need fighters, a La Donald Trump, not wimps to carry the load for 2022. When we win, then we can help President Trump finish his mission to drain the swamp in 2024 and MAGA!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go organize and let’s win back America. The alternative is unthinkable! (30Mar21)
Joe the Distractor
Opinion, Politics March 29, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
The glacial speed with which Joe Biden consulted his note book to find the prepared answers to softball questions from pre-selected left-wing alleged journalists at his first ‘presser,’ belies the flank speed with which the Democrat-Marxist cartel who runs his administration, is pushing America into the hands of the socialist New World Order crowd starting with HR-1, Federalizing all of Americas 10th Amendment granted voting rules. The DC Swamp is quickly refilling!
Forget Joe Biden. Forget what he utters, forget he’s really a phony CiC, and view him as a Tim Conway like character only there to distract us away from our real problems, the Left’s continuing pursuit of the destruction of our God given, Constitutionally protected rights best served under a conservative Representative form of government, not the totalitarian state Pelosi and Schumer are trying to impose. We’re somewhere in the middle of the completion of the UN’s Agenda 21 Project to do just that! Have we forgotten it already?
Are Americans now so gun shy that we’re afraid to stand up and resist these really silly crackpot social reengineering schemes so beloved by Democrats? Are the majority of Americans now so afraid of defending the centuries of historic accomplishments by our Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Roman-Italian Christian ancestors they we’re willing to fall prey to the Lefts loud screams of racism and Islamaphobia? This is a political issue, not a racial one. If we are supposed to be ashamed of being White, then why do so many White Conservatives welcome politically reborn Black and Latino citizens into our ranks? Ask this question: Why do so many White Liberals want us to accept a political system that has failed every time and every where it has been tried, except when under the heel of oppressive State surveillance like China uses?
Have American become so frightened by the blathering’s of a small fraction of our populations Liberal weirdo’s threatening our history and culture, that we won’t stand up and defend it? Are we willing to circle up like a flock of frightened sheep so we don’t stand out for personal ridicule and abuse? It appears we are!
If our government is supposedly one that operates by the “Consent by the People,” then by whose consent does Pelosi and Chucky Schumer presume that American’s want to dwell happily together in an imposed government of ‘equity’ as “Comrades?” By whose consent must we meekly surrender our means of self defense and other rights, from the hoards of criminals who will not surrender their guns at all? The government won’t protect us. They won’t even protect us from the clear specter of fraudulent national elections. And then we’re gifted with watching poor ol Joe at his first press conference, distracting us with his stumbling BS about how many millions of vaccinations his administration has administered, how face masks are essential, hoe awful President Trump really was, some weird nonsense about a President Harris and, there is no crisis at our southern border while the media fawns over his brilliance.
These issues come up daily and questions about them are ridiculed by the media because they don’t fit the Leftist agenda. And even then, in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary they are still shameless in reversing, ignoring or staging counter arguments that belies the truth with outright lying and manipulation of video evidence. It also proves that Joseph Goebbels was right: “Tell a lie often enough and it will be become the truth…” Its pure propaganda as an art form and comes at us like a malicious steamroller, nearly invincible, almost unstoppable and, if we don’t take corrective action soon, like right now, surely inevitable! Don’t let Joe distract us from the dangers! He’s a putz and will soon be gone. Then the real assault on internal American rights, western civilization and culture and our history will begin.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (27Mar21)
What’s In Our Political Future?
Opinion, Politics March 23, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
We have good news and bad news. The good news is that several RINO Senators, Richard Burr (R-NC), Rob Portman (R-OH), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Dick Shelby (R-AL) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) have all decided their usefulness as conservative politicians isn’t working. Some say their retirements will deal a major blow to the Republican establishment’s inner circle.
By God, I hope so! The bad news is I don’t see Mitt Romney’s name on that list. The operative notion in the above paragraph is the “Establishment Republicans inner circle.” What got these people into an “inner Circle?” Longevity in office? Because they are good guys or better statesmen? Naw, I don’t think so. It’s because they were willing to go along to get along.
These people, allegedly supporters of Republican Conservative principals, whose primary concern as Republicans was to Keep America Great, support their constituents and protect the American way, went astray! Their less than conservative voting records betray them!
They joined hands across the aisle with the Americas Cancel Culture party (Marxists) intent on just the opposite, Americas destruction. What possible blow to the Republican Party can their departures bring? None! With friends like those who needs enemies? The board is being swept clean of their type and so shall it be! They must be replaced with real conservatives.
What kept them there? Invitations to the cocktail circuit? When in power, committee or sub-committee chairmanships, bribery or other monetary rewards? Joe Biden made influence peddling a lucrative art form. Many Republicans apparently learned from his success, sought to ride the crest of Deep State security and monetary reward and now find themselves suddenly incapable of facing the growing fascism menace that the Progressives are throwing at ’em.
Not many people who want to get involved in government have Donald Trumps deep business insight into the decadent human behavior that draws other people into the sphere of the deep state Oligarchs. In Congress today the numbers can’t be counted on both hands. Jim Jordan comes to mind as does the fiery Marjory Taylor Greene. Ranking Republican McCarthy is the keeper of the House’s elite establishment Republicans and that remains ethereally fungible.
As Pelosi’s Congress hasn’t yet risen above the level of her obsession with Trump Derangement Syndrome, passing anti-American spending bills to bankrupt America and scaring the nation with fears of horrible new Covid strains lurking just over the horizon, is not a good platform for the newest Republican women just elected, to start their own individual voting records.
The Democrat Party is evil. Pelosi wants to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene completely from Congress because of her feisty denouncement of her Marxists programs destroying America, but not remove Eric Swallwell for being a Chinese spy or worse, a Chinese dupe, a fellow traveler who can be appealed to by his carnal desires for Fang – Fang and other honey traps.
On the State level, two Blue State governors, Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo, three if we count Virginia’s Gov. Northern who refused to resign, still stubbornly run their states like dictators and all three have been challenged for being either being politically incorrect, ie: inappropriately touching women, killing thousands of seniors, or simply ruining their States GDP into the dirt. Who replaces these corrupt people when the time comes? Conservatives better start looking for more Donald Trumps and Marjory Taylor Greens. They’re out there, Remember, keeping our freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (21Mar21)
That Damn Vaccine, My Body, My Choice!
Opinion, Politics March 2, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
A news headline reports: “Vaccination can end the coronavirus but public has to be willing to change its pandemic ways.” I wish to speak to that. Willingness to participate is based on trust and the rogue Marxist government of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer, hardly instills trust. If Americans are unwilling to participate, then they must be forced to comply.
Biden is tossing out the term “mandate” as it applies to wearing these ineffective masks to hopefully, prevent the spread of the China Virus. But we also see the idea of a ‘mandate” being extended to include these experimental vaccines that may, or may not be useful but could be harmful to the one’s submitting to it. The very term “Mandate” rests on the utilitarian principal that: “the right course of action is that which serves the best interests of the greater number of people” or, as Karl Marx framed it: “From you according to your ability, to you according to your need.” In other words, what can you do for the State?
For the American Marxist party today (Democrats), that implies Collectivism, “Can’t we all just get along?” Unity, or getting along as Democrats term it, means submission to their dogma, without compromise or discussion. The word ‘Islam’ by the way, means submission! Fifty percent of free thinking Americans have not yet condemned themselves to become slaves to the State. We can still ‘opt out’ as they say. The pro abortion crowd likes to proclaim: “My body, my choice!” Does that not also apply to having ones body injected with foreign substances that nearly half of Americans don’t trust or want, or does it only apply to pregnant women coerced into agreeing with infanticide simply to solve their problem of making a poor decision? If this untested experimental drug is so wonderful, why should it be mandated?
Ask yourselves these questions: (1) If you are vaccinated, can you still spread the CV-19? The Quick Answer is: Yes! (2) How long does the experimental vaccine last? Ans:they don’t know! (3) The CDC has confirmed that some re-infections have occurred after vaccination. True or false? Ans: True! (4) Does the experimental vaccine provide an immunity stronger than natural immunity? Ans: They don’t know! (5) Will re-vaccination be required if the experimental vaccine mutates to evade the vaccines intended purposes? (6) Is there the slightest outside chance that the rNA experimental vaccine can alter or affect ones own DNA to create illnesses in the future or even turning folks into creepy transgenders or worse? Just asking! You might think up more questions yourself.
Collected statistics reveal a close 50-50 split between those Americans eagerly wanting to infect themselves with the experimental vaccine and as many who ardently refuse to do so. Consider this important number, one that is rarely discussed publicly: if the deaths of nearly 500,000 (half a million) Americans can be attributed to the China Virus, including a Florida motorcycle rider in a collision and a passel of gang hoodlums in Blue cities for CV-19 related lead poisoning, how does that explain why the 1.3 Million folks who died here last year of Tuberculosis (TB) not trigger a pandemic? I don’t recall a mask wearing mandate being required for that epidemic, do you? No matter, most of ’em were illegal immigrants from south of the border anyway welcomed here by Obama and Joe so they don’t really matter, do they? Well, they matter to me because that’s what’s about to flow over our open southern border under China Joe Biden again, thousands of disease ridden human beings welcomed into our country so they can vote Democrat. And that’s a big reason why Americans don’t trust government with their money, with their medicine or with their lives. But, all was exposed by Donald J. Trump. The Deep State is a vast cesspool of ignorant puppets run by puppet masters above to preserve itself!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (27Feb21)
The Fallout
Opinion, Politics February 15, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
Seven Republicans voted to convict Trump this past Saturday. Only one faces reelection in the next four years. In Trump’s Republican Party, most are unwilling to cross him if they entertain future political ambitions, Mitch McConnell excepted. Nancy Pelosi went into a meltdown against Republican Senators who didn’t vote to impeach Trump. She might need some serious professional help!
To my regret, Nikki Haley, once my odds on presidential favorite for the first female president, jumped ship this week after telling Politico that Trump’s role in the Dec. 6 attack disqualified him from running for office again. “He’s fallen so far,” she said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.” Buyers regret? Perhaps, anyway, they got to her! That removes her from the presidential gene pool.
Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., a disappointment indeed, also voted to convict Trump saying: Trump’s “lies” about widespread voter fraud endangered “the life of the vice president” and are “bringing us dangerously close to a bloody constitutional crisis.” Well, we are in a constitutional crisis and this attempt to salvage VP Pence won’t work. Sasse, who appears to be more enlightened than the average bear, and might entertain thoughts about running for president in the future, despite his intellect, seem to lack that congregative thinking gene so important to good leadership. Sen Sasse won’t face a primary until 2026. Let us hope they all face the fate of failed Greek hero’s by falling on their swords.
McConnell finely showed his true colors criticizing Trump after the acquittal vote saying: “He hasn’t got away with it yet!” McConnell can be applauded for hanging in there with Trump for his Judicial appointments and moving Trumps agenda forward as he did but I suspect he hopes for a return of government in the swamp. I expect he’ll retire soon anyway. He’s got his fingers in a Chinese shipping business so, he’ll be okay. He might even find a retirement job on a cable news channel. Trump’s most voracious opponents other than Democrats and out of work Republicans, may soon be seen on CNN, MSNBC, etc, posing as expert political analysis’s promoting a 2024 “never-Trump” movement against a return of the bad Orange Man.
Republicans had its own never Trump clown show called the Lincoln Project PAC, a motley collection, as it turns out, of prominent cash laden pedophiles, scalawags, and political incompetents who raised scads of money all for themselves! A co-founder, Mr Reed Galen acknowledged Trumpism was winning. “The authoritarian side of the Republican Party is the dominant side,” he said. “They have the momentum. For now, they have the money.” Even GOP strategist Sarah Longwell who heads the Defending Democracy anti-Trump lot, said: “what the last two months have shown is if Donald Trump was a cancer on the country and the party, he’s metastasized. I thought we could push past him,” she said. “But now I don’t think that.”
The GOP faces unimagined political hazards. Some politicians will continue to support Trump knowing what he’s accomplished for the country, while the once Conservative Chamber of Commerce business community types threaten to cease donating to Trumps Congressional allies”…so voters don’t forget what the former president and his allies did,” which was what, Making America Great Again? A revenue stream is critical if the new GOP has any chance of reclaiming the House and Senate in 2022 but a principal is at play here and cannot be abandoned like the GOP has always done in thE past. The base’s donations should go there.
Here is the BS line of all anti-Trump BS lines i’ve ever read: “We will remind voters that Republicans were willing to neglect their oaths of office all out of loyalty to one man, and that one man was more important than their constituents, more important than the Constitution of the United States, more important than the democracy that we have in this great nation.” That was from DNC Chair Jaime Harrison with the Left’s “new speak!” Not one word about what Trump did that was unAmerican. Not one! Trump is not going away. He’s in their heads to stay!
Immediately after his acquittal, President Trump issued a statement promising to re-emerge soon! “Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun,” Trump said. “In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people.”
So, we have an interesting time ahead of us repairing the Republican brand while interfering with the imposter China Joe Biden and his Masters plans to Communize America.
Today is President’s Day Due to a lack of interest, it’s been cancelled until we get one!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (15Feb21)
Gubment 101, Made Simple!
Opinion, Politics February 15, 2021Written and Submitted By: George McClellan
From the beginning it was decided Americas government would be a representative one of, by, and for the people, and actions taken by that government was to be done by the consent of the people. So, how did the Democrat party come to the conclusion that it is they alone who should be the sole and exclusive representatives of the American people? Because they know better?
But, there was a snag. To keep that representative government on the rails, a Federal Constitution was developed after years of careful thought and deliberation prescribing the parameters within which limited representative government must operate. So, just when did it go off the rails? Why are “we the people” left suffering under the dictates of the proponents of a different political philosophy, one completely inimical to the consent of the people?
One thing our forefathers agreed on at least since Jefferson solved the problem of the Barbary Pirates, was the need to spend some funds for a strong defensive Navy to prevent other countries from encroaching on ours and interfering with the isolationism that then met the consent of the people. History and world events moved at faster speeds necessitating the need to look ahead to know what potential threats were forming across the pond. US Foreign policy adjusted accordingly but the Constitution hardly changed. It didn’t need to. Our Civil war settled one issue, America was no longer politically divided, slavery was officially ended although real healing took over another hundred years to flatten out the curve so to speak. But we still have our Constitution nearly unchanged and we must protect it.
Then came the era of increased foreign militarism with World War I, followed quickly by World War II and under the cover of the fog of war, the incursion of hostile foreign thoughts of Marx and Engles whose philosophies have ever since been eroding out our democratic process’s. The once accepted idea of thoughtful deliberation through agreement and compromise of our supposed elected politicians, began to fade away because the problems facing America were now being generated by those same politicians so they could, through the ruse and deception of fear, frighten enough Americans so they could keep their jobs to protect us. They really hate us!
Time has created a political class of career politicians who want to become the Nobles of that class, our betters as it were, whose experience expects they should be retained by the vote as our masters. But to stay there requires gobs of money and money buys influence and influence buys corruption, hence, the Industrial-military complex Eisenhower warned us of. Now it’s the technical, media-information complex that censures our thoughts, prescribe our needs and punishes our transgressions against the collective thought that has invaded our schools. We must have been simpletons to have allowed that to happen. Americans don’t need to be organized by political nutters, we just need to be left alone to organize ourselves.
Today, the Democrat Party, by whatever name you want to call it, Marxist, Communist, National Socialist, Social Democrats or Fascists, etc., have concluded that our Constitutional Representative government of, by and for the people, is a mishmash of argument and controversy that allows too much independence, too much freedom and too much self-reliance; that it doesn’t work and should therefor, be left in their capable hands. A new class of “do-gooders,” the “Expert” class appears to be overtaking them and soon, George Orwell’s 1984 prediction will be upon us, a la Chinese style! Why should that be? Because they know better and it belongs to them? Besides, sheep should not be allowed to control anything.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get ’em! (12Feb21)
The Second Impeachment Matter
Opinion, Politics February 15, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
The matter of Trump’s second impeachment trial isn’t only about him, it’s about the future of America and how the hatred by the shameless lying Democrats, who tremble in fear of a Trump resurrection, are bringing it about. Trump must be destroyed root and branch before his legacy of successes taint all Americans into believing that the Capitalism they are trying to destroy is the true American way forward. It’s really about them coming after us just like Trump warned.
This is a show trial, the epitome of a Soviet style kangaroo court. Pelosi’s House Impeachment effort, without any witness, without any deliberation, without due process, or evidence entered into the record, is a pipe dream, merely articles of impeachment sent to the Senate for its advise and consent but, after the intended target had left office? What’s wrong with this picture? The US Constitution, which the Democrats eschew, is quite clear on the conduct of an Impeachment trial. Paramount is the singular fact that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court “shall” sit as the Judge to ensure fairness. The Constitution does not provide for one of the lynch mob, fulfilling that role. Where is the Chief Justice? He saw it for exactly what it was, a show trial concoction of demented BS and didn’t want his fingerprints on it at all. That should have been the end of it but hatred runs deep!
Wallowing in their noxious anti-Trump stew, Pelosi and Schumer, titular heads of the Democrats marxist Party, seem content with proceeding with a kabuki theater production of MacBeth to change history by lies, innuendos, false impressions, impassioned hate filled speeches by infected Democrat sycophants. Technical manipulation of videos deemed as evidence to support their vain effort to prove cause and effect, more often proves their own complicity in the riotous matter at hand, the organized assault on the Capitol that started even before President Trump could finish his speech. That was a Red Herring! Its all designed to deceive us.
The deceptions in the Democrat led trial by fire of Americas most successful President since Abraham Lincoln, cannot be avoided.Their concocted theory that President Trump himself was solely responsible in a treasonous effort to overthrow a fairly elected Joe Biden, rendering Trump a liar and seditionist who “tried to tear down our democracy,” falls on deaf ears save all who have become the living-dead Zombies of the Democrats Party.
In the senate trial, we suffered an incoherent two hour ramble about the constitutional legitimacy of their screwball Impeachment effort, in the end persuading only six Republicans to agree. Forty-four did not. Sadly, President Trumps defense team offered a tepid and ineffective case to end the trial which actually appeared as arguments for the prosecution. Where does President Trump find these type of people to help him, in the DC Swamp? Absolutely no evidence whatsoever was presented to support anybody for impeachment except Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer. Their alleged piles of evidence, speeches, videos and tweets by President Trump inciting his followers to attend the Capitol attack “peacefully,” are DOA.
Democrats claim the shameless GOP wants to replace the rule of law with the rule of mobs, while it’s the deceptive Democrats who ignore the year of rioting in Blue cities and States across America. Can we let Democrats walk away from their role in fomenting attacks on American streets? Let’s be clear, the Democrat Party has become the cult of Marxism and letting them retain control of the House and Senate in 2022 will only lead to more attacks on our constitutional representative form of government. We see clearly where the real danger to American democracy lies.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (13Feb21)
The Purge That’s Coming!
Opinion, Politics January 26, 2021Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
The GOP’s Never Trumpers & Republicans for Biden cabal of corrupted politicians, don’t realize the danger coming at ’em. I wrote, following the Left’s successful coup against President Trump, there are now two Republican party’s, Trumps, if he wishes to embrace it and the other one, and the other one is in danger of being replaced. Good riddance! It’s a start!
I think the purge may have started to roll in Arizona. The Arizona Republican Party under the strong leadership of Chairwomen Kelli Ward has censured, for what its worth now, Cindy McCain, John McCains widow, Az. Gov. Doug Ducey, and former Az GOP Sen Jeff Flake (what an appropriate name) for actively supporting President Trump removal. Kelli Ward has shown her true conservative grit as a solid supporter of President Trump who, unlike the three mentioned above, has stood firmly against endorsing the Lefts baseless claims of no election fraud in her state. McCain’s response was to claim pride in what she did and offer her services to the Biden administration. In Arizona, the other GOP is losing ground among its traditional conservative base and Ward who believes in “faith, family and freedom” remains a strong rally point not only to revitalize the states GOP but to show the way forward for Trump’s 75 million other supporters around the country. She believes its important for Conservatives to become radical to keep America great! The Democrats decry radicalism if it has a conservative face, but ignore it when their Stormtroopers, the Antifa and BLM, continue to conduct outrages in Blue cities even after the Left grabbed their prize. They ignore however, that Republicans did win local and state offices in record numbers. So, what’s the problem? The other GOP still holds the purse strings,
On the federal level the GOP minority leader, Rep Kevin McCarthy expressed concerns about the vote for Liz Cheney’s for impeachment from GOP leadership. Why? Because she’s shown her nonconservative creds and needs to be replaced. His concern is probably because he’s next. Then there’s a photo of a smiling Mitch McConnell bumping elbows with the odious Nancy Pelosi demands explanation if not condemnation. Mitch might find solace in the comity of the Congress but fails miserably when confronted with anything that could compromise his wife’s Chinese business interests. Elaine Cho McConnell was Trumps Transportation Secretary and quite possibly a sleeper agent for China’s emperor Ji Jingping. Who knows? The NSA does.
We can’t ignore Sen. Lindsay Graham either. A smooth talking salesman, he did good work supporting Trump’s judges selections but his promise to investigate deep state crimes exposed in the public arena simply disappeared down the rat hole. No one in the elite establish, and that includes Graham, will never see the inside of a prison.
At last, Sen. Chuck Schumer’s ambitions have been met and, like McConnell and the other anti-Trumpers, he has abandoned for power alone, all laudatory principles worth upholding except lying, cheating and stealing. Wash DC Power is all that matters.
The prize creep of the ‘other GOP party’ is the soft spoken but extreme “Never Trumper” Mitt Romney. I no longer watch Fox News but an interview came up on my smart phone of Romney being interviewed by Fox loser Chris Wallace. As expected, Romney agreed Trump caused an insurrection and should be tried, but as he hadn’t heard the evidence in trial yet, he reserved his decision to vote for or against impeachment. One wonders if Utah voters are as organized as Arizona in recognizing the political dangers to America if these people are allowed to retain their power? Are these people nuts or what? Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (24Jan21)
Short Takes – On A Roll, to Where?
Opinion, Politics January 18, 2021Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
The Marxist Democrat Party, for a short time expecting to be our masters, is on a fast roll desperate to completely erase Donald Trump and everything associated with him over the four years of economic and civil success he brought to America. A populist Donald Trump, Americas shocking 2016 choice for President, quickly exposed the depth of corruption in the elite establishments deep state. The odious apparatus of Marxist politics swung into action and launched four useless, but expensive years trying to hound Donald Trump out of office.
But, by their failure to remove him by hook or crook, the Marxist had one shot left, steal the 2020 election. Their reckless greediness revealed their manipulations in voting districts everywhere with Incomparable voting numbers for a nincompoop idiot, a bought Chinese implanted agent of influence, to be President. That story is not over by a long shot.
Their failure to destroy him over his four years, the sloppy administration of their cunning election theft scheme exposed their hypocrisy. Clumsily seizing the election from the majority of American voters, the Democrats wanting us to heal, fell to a remaining Marxist tactic to discredit Trump, physical violence and in your face confrontation. They launched a noisy but deadly assault on the Congress of the US by their Antifa and BLM thugs, (think Nazi SD & SS types) to show Trump supporters as the insurrectionists responsible. Subsequent police investigations have quickly revealed exactly the opposite. Now, its time to discredit all 75 million Trump supporters as a dangerous collaboration of Fifth Columnists, conspiracy theorists and, believe it or not, threats to the state. Trump told us: “They weren’t after him they were after us; he just stood in their way.”
The imposter-elect, the criminal China Joe Biden, now stands in the public forum calling for all Americans to accept his election so we can come together and heal! But what is his major theme? To wear face masks! America will not heal. The Democrat machine has shown itself to be not only tyrannical as a political opponent but as Americas enemy within. Our re-education should start soon but only if we roll over and submit to their tyranny. They’ll start with face masks, then the dangers of global warming and we’ll watch the ultimate re-collapse that Obama, brought us of Americas economy! Gone with the Democrat orchestrated assault on the Capital was any further focus on China’s role in our election, Hunter Biden’s lap top revelations of pedophilia, payoffs to the “Big Man” his Dad, China Joe, his Ukrainian Burisma role or his drug use that got him kick out of the Navy.
The purge has started. Whether it succeeds or not depends on us individually. Joe Scarborough pontificated: “Trump broke the law, arrest him!” while hotel chains, big Tech companies, China box stores and other big companies that want to stay in business have nearly all jumped ship from Trumps outstanding economic success, to join hands with the cabal of world globalism. To kick Trump when he’s down, some Republicans included, is a bad omen for the future.
Healing cannot occur unless everyone agrees to join the sheep herd the Democrats want! We’re free Americans. We want to stay that way. Instead of forming up as Trump Caucus groups, renew the Tea Party’s or attend Republican rally’s, change the narrative like the Democrats do and call yourselves: Anti-Communist Assembly’s instead. The Republican brand is far too damaged to be rehabilitated or pursue a successful self-defense posture for American nationalism. It is in fact, Communism we confront. Learn it, teach it, reveal its weakness and destroy it finally, or America will be gone forever. We can do it!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (17Jan21)
Short Takes- The Beaten Housewife Theory
Opinion, Politics January 12, 2021The incredible rush by the “Establishment,” and I mean the corrupted “elites” composed of both the Marxist Democrats and enough silly Republicans to be dangerous, to rid themselves of their Nemesis Donald Trump, is short of breathtaking. ‘Quick, now, we’ve got to destroy him before he wakes up!’
The continuous media lies about what Trump said as opposed to what we see and hear, confirms the sorry truths of why abused women (think many Americans) stay with their abusive husbands (think the MSM). It’s because they are weak, have been fed with empty promises for so many years, occasionally gifted with a nice treat like a free cell phone, minimal free medical care & etc, that the occasional beating don’t matter anymore. To abandon that wonderful socialist cornucopia of free goodies would be like cutting your own cord and floating off into deep space.
To nearly all information sources, at least those still allowed to operate without censure, Trump is evil incarnate and must be removed forthwith before he does more damage to their corrupt but still collapsing evil empire. We are now facing a China controlled corporate America, no longer a democratic republic. We’ve fumbled it away! Many of our children have been indoctrinated into Marxist theory, trained to hate America and are pushing that very narrative.
In 2016, seventy-five million Americans voted for Trump to be our President. Not because he was presidential but because he wasn’t, and those millions stayed with him all the way to November 5th, 2020, only to witness the greatest theft in American History. Trump supporters are now under rabid attack lest Trump should pull some miracle out of his hat and stay.
Trump needs all his supporters to be engaged to stop this greatest election theft in history from succeeding. Mounds of evidence, videos, affidavits and witness’s, confirm the theft, even as our courts decline to review it and the main stream media abusers claim that all is baseless nonsense without foundation. Letters to the editor and call-in complaints to radio programs voicing your outrage may overcome the beatings if everyone does it.
Our email system has not yet been closed down because of contending conservatives opinions. Use it! Also, call and email every state legislator, every congressman, every governor, every elected official you can and demand answers as to why they are allowing this theft to take place and demand that the 2020 election be corrected. The presidency does belong to the rightful winner by a landslide, Donald J. Trump and we expect him to fill it for four more years. Why do they refuse? They fear their own censure and they fear chaos! It’s coming anyway!
A major problem of course, is that we’re dealing with social media outlets that have become our self-appointed censors while continuing to feed us threats and crackpot conspiracy theories over which we fret and mumble and waste our time and time is running out.
We’re in a battle between good and evil. A great line from the movie “Usual Suspects” was: “The greatest trick the devil every pulled was to convince people he didn’t exist.” Don’t doubt that the good wins in the end, but consider Ronald Reagan’s advice: Trust but verify! We are on the vey cusp of a civil war. If that’s so, be assured there will be a lot of death and destruction because the Establishment, if the criminal, China Joe Biden wins, with the corporate establishment, will hold all the reins of power both Nationally and Internationally, against us, to keep it. Stop ’em!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (12Jan21)
Short Takes – In Hind Site, Ego’s Changed Our Political Landscape!
Opinion, Politics January 6, 2021written and submitted by George McClellan
It can no longer be ignored that all politics are truly local. Georgia, with a Republican Governor, Assembly and Senate has a two year window to get redistricting done if their’s any hope of continuing the fight. Egos are the worst enemy of any political party. Former Senator Johnny Isakson’s ego started the problem by not quitting the Senate when his disease was first manifest, hanging on to the last minute. It was no secret; everybody knew a problem existed.
When Johnny did quit, Governor Kemp faced a quandary, who to appoint to fill the short six months remaining of his term. Egos again! Rep Doug Collins (Ga-9), who was slowly tarnishing his conservative voting record (75%) by joining the GOP elite House leadership, decided he should be Johnny’s replacement and he threw all away to go after it. I don’t fault Doug for wanting to pursue his ambitions, but it really wasn’t a well thought out plan. The governor didn’t want him for some reason he couldn’t accept. For some other reason absolutely unknown to most Georgians, Gov Kemp selected a very wealthy woman no one ever heard of, Kelly Loeffler, to fill the post, Doug Collins became, in an instant, Gov Kemp’s enemy so to speak, and that divided the Georgia Republican Party.
So, what is the GOP’s main quandary? It has to be a change in tactics. We can no longer view politics through past eyes. The Marxists are sweeping the board because they do not play by the rules and we do, and they’ve brought enough weakling GOP’ers to their way of thinking to tilt the board in their favor. We must keep the peace, don’t you agree? The Constitution means nothing to American Marxists unless it supports their political position.
It would be instructive to know why Kemp really selected Kelly Loeffler. Money? In her unremarkable six months she did have a 100% conservative voting record but nothing really to overcome her Democrat opponent, the black Marxist, Raphael Warnock except the Ga Dems worked hard to get the black vote and we didn’t! Now look where that’s got us.
Governor Kemp’s action in the National Election places him in the “Never Trump” column and his re-election, even from this distance in time, looks doubtful. What Conservative today, black or white, can stand up to the remarkable achievement of the sure fire Democrat choice for Governor in 2024, Stacy Abrams? Who do we have? Doug Collins because he wants that too? Maybe, but I don’t really think so; too many hard feelings within the ranks.
Under Trump, the GOP had remarkable success in selling the American dream to some very smart, politically savvy, industrious Black leaders, including pastors, to actually sway the vote. Trump won! In Georgia, many were seen in the political ads that swamped our TV’s up to the January run-off election in support of both Republican candidates. The Ga GOP also has some outstanding black leaders who could fill the roll of challenging Stacy Abrams. Sad that Herman Cain is no longer with us, but that shouldn’t stop our search.
For Conservative out here, can you think of any old white Republican that can run for governor and win? Maybe, but we must also turn our eyes to the growing bevy of Young Republicans now entering the ranks as active conservatives bearing the Republican label. That won’t last if they’re not support by the geriatric establishment. We now have two Republican party’s, Trump’s and the other one. Up here in Ellijay, Ga., political activist Joe McCutchen is mentoring an outstanding group of young conservatives in his leadership course. County parties everywhere should follow his example and organize those youths eager to make America great again.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get ’em! (06Jan21)
Short Takes – What’s Happening in Nashville? Doubts of Course!
Opinion, Politics December 31, 2020Written And Submitted By George McClellan
There is a breathless video on the internet purporting to show a blue streak coming from the sky milliseconds, ie: ‘in a blink of an eye,’ before the RV exploded on the streets of Nashville, Tn. The camera that caught the explosion was apparently a fixed outdoor surveillance device overlooking a parking lot or something, a half mile away. It was around 0630 am.
I could not see a blue streak coming from the sky. What I believe the camera recorded was the flashing blue lights of police vehicles already there reflecting off the smoke of the explosion. That explanation satisfies my own experience as a crime scene investigator. For the record, I graduated from the National Fire Academy arson investigators school.
But, the plot thickens. It was suggested that those Wiley Chinese have an orbiting platform equipped with a satellite killing plasma pulse weapon that fired at the van outside the AT&T building to fry the NSA’s supercomputer and the Dominion machines stored there supposedly for fraud examination. If that were really the case we would already be at war with China. If that’s the case, it’s no wonder Democrats wanted evidence there destroyed!
Some pundits claim the lack of a crater in the street beneath where the RV sat at the moment of detonation indicated its destruction was by some other esoteric source, meaning a space death ray or plasma weapon. Investigators working the crime scene will certainly be aware if the area is also covered by a fine dusting of carbon, a supposed characteristic of a such weapons.
Mark Esper, former Secretary of Defense, warned us in September that China had indeed deployed Directed Energy Weapons in space supposedly to “kill satellites.” That’s probably true but, we know about it. We have such devices up there ourselves. I have not seen a target destroyed by a directed energy pulse weapon except in Star Wars, but the condition of that destroyed RV was totally consistent with an internal detonation of common explosives.
Because the worlds super powers already have entered space our imaginations can easily accept the advanced science were are now experiencing, except the China Virus and Global Warming nonsense. Remember the Sci-Fi episodes of Flash Gordon on b&w TV back in the 50s? The villain then was the evil, Fu Man Chu looking, Emperor Ming, not unlike Emperor Ji Jingping today. That era here, so it’s not impossible to believe claims that Chinas evil Emperor Ji in collusion with China Joe, is shooting RV’s on the streets of Nashville, Tn, from space, is it?
It seems the real perpetrator had a girlfriend who told the Nashville police a year ago, that her boyfriend was making bombs in that RV. The Nashville police did their job, took her information nearly as far as they could legally, then referred it to the FBI where it apparently disappeared into the black hole of inconvenient information. They claim they have no knowledge of it. We’re witnessing some great local police work here but, if the investigation interferes with the Democrats narrative that China Joe Biden, the imposter president-elect, won the election fair and square, then don’t expect to learn the opposite truth. Maybe thats why the FBI is there, to protect the Deep State like they did Hillary, FISA and the Trump coup attempt.
It is sad to say that the integrity of any investigative product of the FBI, is forever tainted with the veneer of doubt and skepticism, like our national elections have become. I’m waiting for FBI investigators to reveal Anthony Quinn Warner’s affiliation with the Bernie Sander’s campaign. That should be interesting reading. But, don’t count on it!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ’em! (30Dec20)
Another Path to Election Corruption
Opinion, Politics December 14, 2020Written And Submitted By George McClellan
If we are in the least bit conversant with the US Constitution, we know our government was designed by the “consent of the people” with powers delegated to elected representatives, not career politicians or appointees, to represent the peoples interest in running government.
Every US State has its own constitution basically reflecting the US Constitution, that codifies and protects our God given rights and ratified by our elected representatives as the Rule of Law. We call those “elected” people who administer our laws, apart from Governors, Senators and Representatives who make therm, “Constitutional Officers” because we, the people, elected them to their positions according to the Rule of Law.
At the States level, three of the most important elected officials, apart from the Governor and Lt. Governor, are the Attorney General’s and the Secretary’s of State. The third most important elected official in the lexicon of jurisprudence for effective government are the county Sheriffs. For any of them to go rogue is to perpetrate a travesty on the people who elected them; and the only true remedy for their removal is the election process. When that process is corrupted, then the Rule of Law has been abandoned and the only remedial recourse must fall back into the hands of “The People.” I invite your attention to the Athens, Tennessee incident of the post World War II era as an example of the rule of law being successfully restored to the people, by the people. It’s not the best remedy, but it can’t be dismissed!
Georgia is now the focus of the 2020 National Election because of two Senate seats up for grabs, both currently occupied by Republicans and challenged by odious radicals. This unfortunate happenstance occurred because the Republican vote was dissipated by challenges of other worthy conservative candidates who believed they were better capable to do the job but couldn’t muster the votes to do it. But, that’s how it should be! One big problem is the basic ignorance of the mass of voters who put these office holders in place, most always candidates supported by the party of which they are a member. We trust to the recommendations of party leaders in supporting their choice of office holders for us, but even there that process can, and often does, fail because of poorly vetted incompetent candidates or pure corruption.
In the case of Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, the 2020 election process, filled with Democrat demands for “fairness & etc” simply overwhelmed his little grey cells and he unlawfully capitulated to their demands. You see, nowhere in Georgia’s constitution is the Secretary of State or the Governor even, authorized to make election changes outside of the Rule of Law, ie: Georgia’s constitution. Either a weakness of character, corruption or a lack of knowledge allowed this travesty to happen and it might just have changed the world. Also, a failure of the legislative process, into whose hands only, such election changes and rule making are authorized, contributed to this issue that is now a National fiasco. Win or lose, we must brace ourselves for the coming onslaught of rabid marxism. We won’t like it; it’s unAmerican!
The remedy for Raffensperger’s destructive incompetence is to remove him from his position to do further damage by voter recall and hold an open election for all comers to refill that office, But, by no means can it be accepted that the Secretary of States position become an appointed one delivered to the highest bidder or political activist at the will and pleasure of the party in power. No, no, no! To do so will irrevocably deny Americans their constitutional rights and most certainly usher in and fix in place, a level of corruption at the State level such as we are now experiencing at the National level. It’s another path to election corruption! We don’t need that!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (12Dec20)
More Good Advice, Ditch Fox News
Opinion, Politics November 23, 2020Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
I have long had the Fox news app on my smartphone along with and the weather app, as trusted news sources. While Fox news has apparently become another anti-Trump, anti-conservative shadow of the enemy, I enjoyed the Brian Kilmeade radio show until he interviewed Geraldo Rivera yesterday (20Nov20).
Now, I have long considered Fox’s Geraldo to be an egotistical dufus, a self-absorbed idiot who promotes his own importance and is willing to betray anybody to make a news exclusive like he did to the US Army in Iraqi when, after he was allowed to attend a briefing of a battalion attack plan to Company troop commanders, he immediately set about revealing it to his TV viewing audience. The Army loaded his stuff on a helicopter and made him ‘persona non grata’ and threw butt out of theater. Not good for ones ego!
On the Kilmeade show Geraldo couldn’t wait until he launched into a Progressive tirade against President Trump for not conceding to Joe Biden’s stolen electoral victory as the Democrats and New World Order demand. He was not at all interested in the election theft by Democrats, He wasn’t interested at all that Trump won re-election out right until the vote counting in the Blue States were stopped so they could figure out how many votes needed to be manufactured to overcome Trumps electoral sweep. Why do Liberals yell and scream louder trying to make us accept their weak point of view? It’s because they can’t argue with the truth so must shout down opposition views. Poor Brian Kilmeade, for the first time in my listening experience, he was actually flummoxed by the raging verbal assault on decency, fairness and President Trump.
Listening to Geraldo’s frothing rant against President Trump was the last straw. Chris Wallace lost my support long ago with his growing anti-conservative views politely wrapped in skepticism, and more especially since he botched up his role as the Trump-Biden debate moderator. Now, even Bret Baer is sounding like a “Lefty!” Time to go and that’s my good advice. I deleted the Fox News app from my smartphone and replaced it with the OAN and Newsmax’s apps. I stopped watching the “Five” when they hired Donna Brazile, DNC Chairman fired for providing Hillary Clinton with debate answers, to supplement the “Fives” other loud mouthed dufus, Juan Williams.
When Dan Rather went off the rails and manufactured a false story about George W. Bush, and got fired, not for doing it but for being caught, he was presented some silly news award for being brave or some such nonsense, as a way for the other media liars to throw a fog of silence over the fake news issue. Now, NY Governor Cuomo, in his darkest hour, accused of being a mass killer of over 6000 American elderly in his states nursing homes, is being presented an International Emmy Founders Award in “recognition of his leadership” during the China Wuhan “Virus pandemic and his masterful use of TV to inform & calm people around the world.” Like Dan Rather was, other public failures have to be publicly recognized by hoopla and shiny babbles to make them less repugnant until the heat blows over.
Nobody in the media gets fired today except Fox News Conservatives. Slowly but surely, they will be weeded out. Dana Perino, Brian Kilmeade, Jesse Waters and a few others may soon find it expedient, if they remain politically Conservative, to affiliate with the growing Conservative networks of Newsmax, OANN and a few others. O’Reilly did and I suspect Judge Jeanine Pirro may soon do so as well. Can they afford to lose Tucker Carlson? They may do just that. Fox is in the hands of the Murdoch brothers. Its time to wean ourselves from what’s not good for us. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Just do it! (21Nov20)
Good Advice! Never, Ever Give Up!
Politics November 18, 2020Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
I’m very impressed that President Trump is strictly following Hillary Clinton’s advice to Joe Biden: “Never, ever concede.” That’s very good advice indeed! The last trick in their bag, at least for this election, is to declare victory, ensconce Joe Biden in a pretend Presidential Office and demand all the trappings attendant to a peaceful transition of power, something the Democrats never did for Trump. Why should President Trump concede when voting frauds are being revealed, whistleblowers are coming forward to give sworn testimony and the matter is not even closely settled?
We’re still faced with a conundrum. Biden is a pathological liar. So is the media! He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, can’t remember his cues on the teleprompter and is in short, Incapable of leading. That whole idea of Joe leading anything is a joke!
No thanks to the media for hiding the stories that should be important to voters, but it can’t be denied, Joe Biden is corrupt! We all know it, he said so himself! He’s also compromised as an Agent of Influence for the Chinese Communist Party and yet he pretends to have integrity. His long career in politics taught Joe how to enrich himself and his family without getting caught. A
serial plagiarizer unable to think on his feet or write his own thoughts at his desk and incapable of formulating a coherent sentence, Democrats demand that Americans accept him as their leader even in the face of massive voter fraud investigations. Trump should not concede at all!
History is filled with stories of flawed hero’s coming at the right time to end disasters and Trump is one of them because after the economic failures of eight years of Obama, Trumps miracle leadership accomplished more in four years than any other Party did in eight or ten or twenty years! Trumps business policies created a booming economy, moving all Americans of all races toward better jobs and prosperity. He’s trashed the socialists economic policies of our past administration, changed environmental laws to help Americans prosper and returned Americas military to a world force to be reckoned with.
As I have said before I have no grief with a Billionaire who becomes President. Where I take umbrage is when a stupid politician becomes a millionaire and no one (media) notices. Joe’s dull career specialized in graft and corruption to enrich himself and his family.
If we listened to and accepted what the media would have us believe, it’s a sure bet that if voters were told to get into boxcars to be taken to virus protection camps, most Biden voters would rush to get in line. “Oh, Save us Joe!” Then there’s the global warming nonsense. Do we imagine the rest of the world ready to save the planet from evil carbon? No, but the rest of the world has exempted China and India from carbon footprint controls! They can continue their fossil fuel burning right along with the 400 more or less, active volcanoes spewing toxins into our atmosphere but, wicked America needs to do more to reduce carbon pollution.
Americas biggest enemy is not Trump defending his Presidency from Democrat theft but it’s the Communist Democrat party who are the thieves and our enemy! If Joe doesn’t win, anarchists groups like BLM and Antifa promise massive violent demonstrations across the country. If states enact their military options to defend the Constitution and Americans from evil, the National Guard will have to crush ’em. If official State governments fail to act because they are Communist run, then Americans will turn to an age old technique called vigilantism to stem the tide. If anarchy is not stopped, that could portend the death knell on our Republic. Remember, freedom is the goal the Constitution is the way. Now, go get en! (15Nov20)
Short Takes – Two Weeks
Opinion, Politics October 19, 2020Written and Submitted By: George McClellen
Americans have been conned by the outrageous lies of Democrats. Within two weeks America will know if it will remain the beacon of hope for all people or will we slide into the abyss of third world violence, totalitarism and slavery. True Americans are not going to allow Democrats with their mail in ballot schemes to ruin our country. Americans will not accept demented Joe Biden who would soon die, leaving Marxist Kamala Harris as President. No one wanted her!
Americas accepted values of civility were inexorably altered in Minneapolis, Mn, when Floyd George, a black two-bit thief, robber, fraudster and drug user, died at police hands while being arrested for passing a counterfeit twenty. Democrats saw an opportunity and went crazy elevating this thug to Saintly status, eulogizing his worthless life in funerals in three different cities. The “pity show” for poor Floyd George went on for days and gullible Americans, thinking they could assuage their whiteness, sent in thousands of dollars to a cadre of Marxist revolutionaries, mostly white morons, whose aim is to overthrow the United States of America and replace it with fascism.
What happens then? Fascism of course! We’ve already experienced multiple robberies and street violence to show respect and deep grief for the unlamented George. Violence swept the US and then went world wide into a planed and coordinated attack against western values. Nobody was left untouched. Black as well as white businesses were looted and burned, counter protests were quickly shut down with violence by Antifa’s, Police ordered to stand down and streets cordoned off from fire and medical aid and, the murders of eighty-nine policemen.
The most useless presidential candidate ever to take the field, Joe Biden, fell to his knees and wept. Whose got a violin? I’ll turn the weepy pages. So did the wicked old lady of the House, and her silly looking cohorts of Progressive sympathizers, wearing bits of African cloth around their necks, presumably to show solidarity with poor George Floyd. All lies!
Americans are beyond reasoning with these people. They lie! It’s in their DNA and they cannot stop themselves. They are products of the teachings of now long dead Socialists like John Dewey, Betty Friedan. William James, Alfred Kinsey, Aldous Huxley Benjamin Bloom, B.F. Skinner, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Saul Alinsky, Sigmund Freud, Margaret Sanger, Roger Baldwin and many others whose wicked philosophies are borne out on our streets today.
Joe Biden is a cannon ball on a pitching deck for Democrats. Even with a Teleprompter and aides standing at his elbow, he can’t get it right. He refuses to answer questions about his son, Hunter Biden’s wealthy involvement with both the Ukraine and China; denies having even consulted with Hunter on any of these issues and even in the face of irrefutable evidence, denies any wrong doing.
Democrats are totally corrupt! Everything to them is politics for power and they’ll sign on with the devil to get it. Speaking of which, lurking in the wings is China’s Emperor Ji jingping, aided and abetted by Hunter Biden who sold his fathers influence as VP to Americas enemies for millions.
This is the epitome of the Deep State Swamp that president Trump has promised to drain. They are fighting back with lies, lies and more lies and yet, we see no movement in the Halls of Justice to bring these creatures to book! We’re two weeks away from a reckoning. If they win, Joe and Hunter may be the richest men in America, lackeys to Emperor Ji Jingping.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get angry! (18Oct20)